




  1. 胼胝(長繭):胼胝就是指我們手腳等處經過長期的摩擦,皮膚變硬、增厚,產生一塊硬硬的黃色角質,如果這塊角質過厚,壓迫時就可能會造成疼痛,影響行走。

  2. 雞眼:比漾皮膚科診所衛教資訊指出,雞眼好發於關節處,和長繭一樣,都是因為長期壓迫、摩擦導致角質增生、增厚造成的,通常會比繭的範圍要來得小,而且和周圍皮膚有明顯的界線。



  3. 病毒疣:林政賢皮膚科診所院長林政賢曾在文章中指出,病毒疣是患部感染人類乳突病毒造成的,會以一顆顆粗糙堅硬的突起丘疹方式呈現,有時候表面可見小黑點,有時是幾顆分散或融合一起變成片狀的小硬塊,常見於手、腳。


  4. 疥瘡:疥瘡是一種叫做人疥?的蟲子造成的,這種疥?會寄生在人體,尤其最喜歡皮膚柔軟、皺褶處,例如腋下、指尖、腰部、乳頭、陰莖、臀部、腳趾縫等地方。患者會因為對疥?及其排泄物的過敏反應,身上出現丘疹、斑塊、膿皰等症狀。患者會非常癢,尤其夜間最嚴重。


  5. 汗皰疹:好發於夏季、春季,林政賢醫師指出,到皮膚科求診的患者中,有很多人都是因為受到汗皰疹困擾。急性汗皰疹常出現在腳趾、腳掌、手指、手掌,以幾顆或很多顆很癢的小水泡方式呈現。



  6. 足癬(香港腳)、灰指甲:黴菌感染,不只會感染腳部,還可能感染頭部、股間等適合黴菌生存的部位。症狀依據每個人的情況有所不同,大致上有指間發紅、脫皮、搔癢,足部紅色水泡、足部角質增生、變厚等症狀。由於黴菌喜歡高溫多濕的環境,若是經常穿密不透風的皮鞋、長靴、絲襪,會讓黴菌容易孳生,如果再接觸被感染者的皮屑,就很容易被感染。




  1. 避免被傳染:不要和別人共用拖鞋、毛巾、浴巾、踏墊等容易導致間接接觸感染的私人用品。若周遭有已確診或疑似有疥癬、香港腳、病毒疣等症狀者,應避免和其造成間接或直接接觸。

  2. 遠離過敏原、避免壓力累積:汗皰疹可能是金屬過敏、壓力等因素引起的,應多加注意,不要配戴金屬製品,且應適時透過適度運動等方式紓壓,避免引發汗皰疹。

  3. 保持清潔:應時常保持足部清潔,養成回家後洗腳的習慣,用肥皂清潔足部後,記得連同指縫一起洗淨、擦乾。

  4. 穿著寬鬆舒適的鞋襪:常應穿著透氣、寬鬆舒適的鞋襪,除了通風透氣防止香港腳以外,還能避免腳部壓迫、摩擦長繭、長雞眼。





A piece of protruding particles on the left side of the foot and a discolored nail on the right side not only greatly affect the appearance, but also may cause pain, affect walking, and may even be transmitted to the family and friends around! A small school in Nanshan, Nantou, has reported that 18 teachers and students have been infected with the virus and have to isolate the tube to prevent the spread of infection. It can be seen that no matter what kind of skin is different, it can not be taken lightly; in summer, wearing sandals and slippers, or playing The chances of playing barefoot outside are greatly increased. It is also necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the feet in order to avoid infection.

There are many kinds of skin diseases in the foot, such as Hong Kong feet, corns, and virus mites are common, and sometimes the appearance is difficult to distinguish by themselves. If you want to buy your own ointment or scrape the epidermis treatment, it is more likely to expand the condition; Kaohsiung City Zhang Ke, a physician at the Infectious Diseases Department of Xiaogang Hospital, reminded that if the wound is infected with bacteria, it may cause cellulitis. What are the common skin diseases in the feet? What are the characteristics, how to prevent and treat them? Let the doctor take you to find out.

What are the skin diseases that are common in the feet? Japanese plastic surgeon Inoue Yoshihiko pointed out that

Common skin diseases in the feet include long sputum, corns, Hong Kong feet, sweat herpes, viral warts, etc.

There are different symptoms and treatments.

胼胝 (?茧): 胼胝 refers to the long-term friction between our hands and feet, the skin becomes hard and thick, and produces a hard yellow keratin. If this horny is too thick, it may cause pain when it is pressed, affecting walking. .

Corns: According to the health education information of the dermatology clinic, the corns are good at the joints. Like the long scorpions, they are caused by long-term compression and friction, which cause keratin hyperplasia and thickening. They usually have a smaller range than sputum. And there is a clear boundary with the surrounding skin.

The difference between corns and cockroaches is that the center point has a round core like a chicken's eyes. This feature is because after the formation of the enamel, the thick keratin itself becomes one of the causes of pressure and friction, and a vitreous cycle is reversed to form a conical horny body.

Whether it is cockroaches or corns, as long as it is thick to a certain extent, it will cause tenderness, making us feel uncomfortable when walking. The corns are more uncomfortable than the cockroaches, and they feel like a small stone stuck to the sole of the foot.

Virus 疣: Lin Zhengxian, dean of the dermatology clinic of Lin Zhengxian, pointed out in the article that the virus sputum is caused by the infection of human papillomavirus in the affected part, and it will be presented in the form of a rough and hard protruding papule. Sometimes the surface shows small black spots, sometimes It is a small piece of lumps that are scattered or fused together into a sheet, which is common in hands and feet.

If it grows on the sole of the foot, it is the so-called foot sputum. The foot sputum generally has a flat surface, but the depth of the skin is deep, and it is often mistaken for the corns by the patient.

Acne: Acne is caused by a worm called a human cockroach. This cockroach can parasitize the human body, especially the soft skin and wrinkles, such as underarms, fingertips, waist, nipples, penis, buttocks, toes. Waiting for a place. The patient may have symptoms such as papules, plaques, and pustules due to an allergic reaction to sputum and its excretion. The patient will be very itchy, especially at night.

If the children, the elderly, the sick, and other groups with poor immunity are infected, it is also possible to infect the more severe crusted acne, causing a keratotic and crusted rash. These rashes may contain a lot of eggs and mites, and if they are not treated quickly, they are likely to be transmitted to others. According to Weiwei Information from the Department of Disease Control, the doctors may use anti-mite drugs after the treatment, and follow the doctor's advice.

Sweat herpes: It occurs in summer and spring. Dr. Lin Zhengxian pointed out that many of the patients who went to the dermatology clinic were suffering from sweat herpes. Acute sweat herpes often appears on the toes, soles, fingers, and palms, and is presented in small or many small vesicles that are very itchy.

In the chronic phase, it may cause peeling or even dry skin cracking. Some patients may have nail depression and nail bed peeling due to long-term repeated attacks.

Sweat is not contagious, but you can't puncture the blisters to avoid aggravating the symptoms. It can be prevented by regular living, timely pressure, and avoiding contact with metals, foods containing nickel, cobalt and chromium.

Foot ? (Hong Kong feet), onychomycosis: mold infection, not only infected the feet, but also may be infected with the head, the stock and other parts suitable for mold survival. Symptoms vary according to each person's condition. There are symptoms such as redness, peeling, itching, red blisters in the feet, hyperkeratosis of the feet, and thickening. Because mold likes to be hot and humid, if you wear tight airtight shoes, boots, and stockings, it will make the mold easy to be born. If you touch the dander of the infected person, you will be easily infected.

When the mold is infected with the nail, it will make the nail tarnish and turn into yellow, green, gray, brown, black and other colors, which is called gray nail. These patients require long-term treatment to restore their nails to health. If left untreated, it is likely that the nails of other fingers will also be infected.

The prevention and treatment of foot skin diseases, the next page tells you!

How to prevent skin diseases such as corns and Hong Kong feet?

Avoid being infected: don't share slippers, towels, bath towels, mats, etc., which can easily lead to indirect contact with infected products. If you have a diagnosis or suspected convulsion, Hong Kong foot, virus sputum and other symptoms, you should avoid indirect or direct contact with it.

Keep away from allergens and avoid stress accumulation: sweat herpes may be caused by metal allergies, stress and other factors. Pay more attention to it, do not wear metal products, and should be pressed in a timely manner by moderate exercise to avoid causing sweat herpes.

Keep it clean: Always keep your feet clean and develop the habit of washing your feet after going home. After cleaning your feet with soap, remember to wash and dry them together with your fingers.

Wearing loose and comfortable footwear: Always wear breathable, loose and comfortable shoes and socks, in addition to ventilation and ventilation to prevent Hong Kong feet, but also to avoid foot compression, long hair, long corns.

How to improve skin diseases such as corns and Hong Kong feet?

Because many skin diseases have similar symptoms (such as Hong Kong feet and sweat herpes, viral warts and corns), it is necessary for professional physicians to make diagnostic evaluations. It is not recommended to buy commercially available drugs, and do not scratch, puncture, or even scrape with a sharp weapon. In order to avoid bacterial infection, resulting in cellulitis.

Dr. Zhang Kee once reminded in the article that cellulitis is caused by subcutaneous bacterial infection, which causes redness, swelling, heat and pain in the affected part, and symptoms such as chills, burnout, fever, headache, joint pain, etc. may occur in severe cases. Let the bacteria flow to the whole body, causing sepsis and death.

Remind you that if you have skin symptoms, in order to clarify the condition, prescribe the right medicine, and avoid serious complications, be sure to seek medical advice from a professional doctor.

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